Friday, June 25, 2010

The day I fell into the pit.

The day I fell,
into the pit.
The first thought,
when I got to sit.
Wasn't about love or hate,
nor the harshness of fate,
but the chill of having made,
yet again the same mistake,
off letting go that which made,
my life a lovely serenade.

But I shall never learn,
that right, never earn,
because I have to be me,
and if that is all i have to be,
then it is how I shall live,
take all that life will give,
be it pains from memories,
or moments of joys and melodies
For I have to be true to me
the one who shall be
with me through everything
making sure, i keep living
in this world, I still love
Though I know not how.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sometime I might just go out for that beer,

Sometime I might just go out for that beer,
Sometime I might just have a little more to cheer.

Sometime I might have to give an inspiration,
Sometime all I might need is a motivation.

Sometime I might get a nostalgic aberration,
Sometime I might have an ominous preoccupation.

Sometime I might be on the road not chosen
Sometime I might be en-route my desired vacation.

Someday I might have those sometimes,
Someday I shan't exist after those sometimes.

Someday I shall break free from my necessities,
Someday I shall have no more apathies.

It comes, It comes and it goes, desires
making life, every moment, as spent in fire.